How Perspective Changes Your Life

Nothing is inherently good or bad, this sharp disjunction is an illusion, a mere perspective. Positivity and negativity are standing on two sides of the same vessel. Taking a certain perspective can be an intentional choice or an unconscious judgement, the latter being the norm for most people. Let’s pull out a fairly common expression for exemplification: Is the glass half empty or half full? Both answers are obviously correct, there’s no right or wrong, but the answer indicates an optimistic (half full) or pessimistic (half empty) perspective.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

Marcus Aurelius

The majority of people would judge a situation based on their expectations towards it, using their experience and memories, creating opinions. Unexpected or unknown things tend to be judged negatively, while events that meet up to our expectations are considered positive. Everybody lives up to different expectations, and so the exact same thing can be judged as good or bad at the same time from different points of view.

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.

Abraham Lincoln

Rather than trying to force something or someone that our mind considers as bad to change into something that we consider as good, wouldn’t it be much easier to simply change our perspective towards it? Surrender rather than resistance; acceptance rather than rejection. This little change in attitude, will completely change the way we see the world and dissolve any suffering. Because what is suffering if not exactly that struggle of enforcing or hoping for change to what is. True joy is acceptance of what is, and acceptance is a form of finding the right perspective.

One way of changing the perspective is to find gratitude. By taking a grateful perspective we automatically find value and appreciation in every moment. Another approach is understanding the reason of what is. By taking an insightful perspective we allow empathy and compassion.

Which perspective will you choose?

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