Homemade Almond Milk for the Changing Seasons

The changing seasons of Autumn and Winter are famous for bringing along many heart, lung and skin related problems due to its dryness.
When the weather gets cold, it contains less water in the air. Therefore the pores in the skin produce less fat that would normally protect the skin. The body’s metabolism will also slow down and get you prepared for winter’s energy saving mode. It is well known that the changing season trigger many illnesses. During the Autumn-Winter change, more respiratory system and heart related problems occur than on any other time of the year. The answer is homemade almond milk!

In order to stay healthy we need to boost our immune system

Almond milk is rich in Vitamin E and a good bunch of other minerals. In TCM, almond milk or almond tea, is one of the best drinks you can prepare for yourself during the Autumn-Winter change. Almond milk does not only help to keep the skin moisturized, but is also a good remedy to relieve cough, bronchitis or asthma. It also strengthens your immune systems to protect you from cold and flu.

Homemade almond milk or tea is a great choice to help you stay healthy and your skin moisterized during the upcoming changing season.

Here’s the recipe that we use to make our almond milk


  1. 100g of almond from a Unverpackt Shop
  2. 1000ml of Swiss tap water


  1. A container for soaking
  2. A good blender, mixer or food processor
  3. A filter cloth or any cotton cloth that is finely woven
  4. A large bowl or pot to collect the filtered milk
  5. A jar or bottle for storing the milk or a cup for drinking it right away


  1. Soak the almond nuts over night (6-8 hours) with tap water
  2. Blend with 1000ml drinkable tap water
  3. Pour the mixture over the filter cloth with a large bowl underneath to collect the milk
  4. Close the cloth with the wet almond meal, then twist and squeeze out the remaining milk
  5. Pour the filtered almond milk into your container and refrigerate for up to 3 days or pour it in your favourite cereals and enjoy straight away
  6. Optional: you can use the dry almond meal in creamy vegetables soup to substitute milk or cream or add it to your cereals

Homemade Almond Milk

Homemade Almond milk is very easy and quick to make. You can choose to flavor the milk according to your own taste or enjoy it as it is. It is very budget saving and can be made with zero-waste. Using tap water at home also helps reducing bottled water from factories.

Some more ideas how to enjoy your fresh homemade almond milk

Almond milk can be substituted for cow milk on many occasions, but it’s much more than that.

  • In your smoothie
  • In your cereal bowl
  • For your breakfast oatmeal
  • For baking almond bread
  • As a substitute for eggs for making vegan mayonnaise
  • For a sweet dessert with honey
  • For hot and sweet almond milk tea
  • You can find some more great ideas here

Join one of our vegan milk making workshops if you wish to learn more about plant based milks. We would love to get to know you.

Stay healthy and enjoy!

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