The Eternal Tree Of Life

We are like leaves of a tree.
A tree of wonders, life and eternity.
A tree that is one, a single presence.
Yet every leaf has its own perceived existence.
Every leaf grows with its own path in sight.
Every leaf is seeking and living for the light.

Some may find it, and others not.
Yet none of them is on the wrong spot.
For no path is wrong, and no path is right.
Every inch of growth may bring more light.
There is no certainty of direction.
No map, no guide, no instruction.

Leaves grow and leaves fall.
It’s the destiny of them all.
A final fight of survival, to the last breath.
The struggle of the fall, is a struggle to the death.
Once fallen the leaf becomes earth.
And its remains once again give birth.

A new leave will grow at the top.
A new leave will find its rightful spot.
A wondrous reincarnation.
The continuation of endless vibration.
Only this time the tree is taller, stronger, wiser.
And may bring the leave one step closer.

Every leaf is individual, yet of the same.
Playing the eternal cosmic game.
The tree itself is searching for the light.
Growing, advancing, looking for the bright.
You are that leaf, we are that tree.
And only together we can be.

Authors note:Oftentimes, when I have a discussion about spirituality, awareness, reality or some similar topic, I would pull out that “Tree of Life” illustration that I came up with. It generally finds very good acceptance among listeners, so I thought the idea would be worth sharing. The poetic form came naturally.

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